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Team IMPACT: Meet Julie O’Shaughnessy

The 49th New York City Marathon commences on Sunday, November 3rd, and IMPACT Melanoma will be well represented with our powerful and dedicated group of runners, Team IMPACT. Each of our runners share a passion for our cause – which is to spread awareness and prevention initiatives with regard to the incidences of melanoma around the United States, and, with our lead, the world.

Each of our team members have unique reasons as to why they’re contributing efforts to Team IMPACT, and, as such, we’re highlighting a handful of them in support of their run, and their campaign to raise necessary funds.

With that in mind, please join us in welcoming and thanking, Julie O’Shaughnessy!

IMPACT Melanoma: How’d you learn about IMPACT Melanoma and Team IMPACT?

Julie O’Shaughnessy: In 2009 my friend Tracy True ran Boston with Team IMPACT. Tracy knew the cause and mission was near and dear to me and my family so she challenged me to run my first Boston with IMPACT Melanoma.

IM: What made you decide to get involved and commit to a spot on the team? What does said spot mean to you?

O’Shaughnessy: My little sister is a melanoma survivor. She was diagnosed when she was 15. Team IMPACT and my spot on the team is a way for me to do my part and take action by raising awareness, money, and bringing a community closer.

IM: How many marathons have you run in the past?

O’Shaughnessy: 5 (4 Boston all with IMPACT, and 1 NYC).

IM: I know it’s hard to predict, but how do you think this particular run will stack up (from a philosophical/humanitarian/or just straight physical point of view)?

O’Shaughnessy: This one is special to me for a couple of reasons: 1) this is the first time IMPACT has bibs for NYC and 2) NYC has been my home for over 6 years now. There are a few lulls during this race ie: no people as you are running over bridges; mentally that’s extremely different from Boston where people are cheering you on in every inch of the course…

IM: What is your personal stance / battle cry with regard to skin cancer and taking care of one’s skin?

O’Shaughnessy: Take care of yourself. Control what you can control by getting skin checks regularly. If you see something that is new or different, go to your dermatologist. And if YOU don’t like what something looks like but your doc says it’s fine, have them remove it. It’s your body, it’s your mind.

IM: What’s your pre-race ritual? Some sort of specific cuisine the night before? Specific stretching routine? Special socks? You tell us!

O’Shaughnessy: I’m Irish and have been an athlete all of my life… I played soccer in college and printed out a quote for each of my teammates before every single game for four years. Home games, they received it in their locker, away games: they were passed out on the bus. I do this for myself now before a 10k, half marathon, full marathon and half Ironman, as well as before big presentations and meetings I need to speak in!

To get involved and make a donation:

Visit Julie’s runner profile here to help her reach her personal goal:

Visit our Team IMPACT profile page here:

Get social by following along: #TCSNYCMarathon

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