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Team IMPACT: Meet Edward McGee

The 124th Boston Marathon commences on Monday, April 20th, and IMPACT Melanoma is once again proud to present Team IMPACT. Comprised of a dedicated group of runners that come from different backgrounds and levels of running experience, each of our runners share a passion for our cause – which is to spread awareness and prevention initiatives with regard to the incidences of melanoma around the United States, and, with our lead, the world.

Many of Team IMPACT’s members are survivors, family members of survivors, or a person who has lost a loved one to melanoma. Together, along with our partnership with the Boston Athletic Association, we’ve been able to make great IMPACT over the years raising in excess of $2 million, which has gone to directly benefit IMPACT Melanoma’s mission of prevention, education, support, and advocacy in the fight against melanoma.

As mentioned, each of our team members have unique reasons as to why they’re contributing efforts to Team IMPACT, and, as such, we’re highlighting a handful of them in support of their run, and their campaign to raise necessary funds.

With that in mind, please join us in welcoming and thanking, Edward McGee!

IMPACT Melanoma: How’d you learn about IMPACT Melanoma and Team IMPACT?

Edward McGee: Honestly, I simply found IMPACT on the B.A.A. website.

IM: What made you decide to get involved and commit to a spot on the team? What does said spot mean to you?

McGee: My girlfriend works in medical advertising and has had melanoma. Sue has had two operations and we are concerned about the impact on her and others. The spot on the team means a lot as I can raise money for awareness in an issue that we are directly affected by.

IM: How many marathons have you run in the past? What do you take away from these experiences?

McGee: I have run 14 marathons and many 1/2 marathons. Most of my marathons were run in NYC and a few overseas. Meeting different people and raising money for charities is always personally fulfilling.

IM: I know it’s hard to predict, but how do you think this particular run will stack up (from a philosophical/humanitarian/or just straight physical point of view)?

McGee: I’m hoping this run will be one of my best. I have relatives from Boston and a few of my friends will also be attending. This will make it special. The course will be new and very challenging. I’m practicing on hills and coming prepared. My best time a few years ago was 4:32 and I hope to break 4:30 on a challenging course. It is also special to be raising money for this cause and spreading the word for prevention. That is fulfilling in itself. I have raised funds for Autism and MS in the past and like melanoma it hits home and effects the run as you think and reflect about the cause while you are fundraising and physically running.

IM: What is your personal stance / battle cry with regard to skin cancer and taking care of one’s skin?

McGee: If we knew what we know now years ago it could have changed many lives. I love the beach and the sun, but now we take precautions and use sunscreen and cover up. Spreading the word will educate a lot of people.

IM: What’s your pre-race ritual? Some sort of specific cuisine the night before? Specific stretching routine? Special socks? You tell us!

McGee: Basically taking it easy the night before. Having pasta dinner plans early in the evening and going over the schedule and map to get to the starting line. All clothes laid out and a good night’s sleep.

To get involved and make a donation:

Visit Edward’s runner profile here to help him reach his personal goal:

Visit our Team IMPACT profile page here:

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