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Team IMPACT: Meet Caitlin Power

The 49th New York City Marathon commences on Sunday, November 3rd, and IMPACT Melanoma will be well represented with our powerful and dedicated group of runners, Team IMPACT. Each of our runners share a passion for our cause – which is to spread awareness and prevention initiatives with regard to the incidences of melanoma around the United States, and, with our lead, the world.

Each of our team members have unique reasons as to why they’re contributing efforts to Team IMPACT, and, as such, we’re highlighting a handful of them in support of their run, and their campaign to raise necessary funds.

With that in mind, please join us in welcoming and thanking, Caitlin Power!

IMPACT Melanoma: How’d you learn about IMPACT Melanoma and Team IMPACT?

Caitlin Power: Growing up in Boston and watching the marathon every Patriot’s Day, it became a dream of mine to run it. I had always loved running and decided to challenge myself to run my first marathon after graduating from college. It only seemed natural that I would run Boston as my first.  While looking up various charity teams that had partnered with the Boston Marathon, IMPACT Melanoma really stuck out to me. I loved their mission, the close-knit team and the support they offered their runners! I applied and ran my first marathon with them in 2018. I ran the Boston Marathon for IMPACT Melanoma again this year and am excited to be running my first NYC Marathon with Team IMPACT!

IM: What made you decide to get involved and commit to a spot on the team? What does said spot mean to you?

Power: Like I mentioned before, I loved their mission. I appreciate the emphasis they put on education and prevention, which I find to be so important! This spot means more opportunity to raise awareness and prevent skin cancer!

IM: How many marathons have you run in the past? What do you take away from these experiences?

Power: I have run three marathons so far! Two Boston Marathons with IMPACT Melanoma and one Chicago Marathon with the American Cancer Society. My first marathon (Boston 2018) was by far the hardest. I had developed an injury while training and was worried I would not be able to finish. On top of my injury, we had some of the worst weather in Boston Marathon history – pouring rain, cold temperatures, and gusty winds. I ended up finishing the marathon with a time I was happy with and despite how hard it was, I was hooked! Knowing what I was capable of doing, I learned how to have fun while running my next two!

IM: I know it’s hard to predict, but how do you think this particular run will stack up (from a philosophical/humanitarian/or just straight physical point of view)?

Power: This will be my first New York Marathon and I don’t entirely know what to expect, which makes it exciting! I will be moving to New York in August, so I’m looking forward to running a marathon in my new city.

IM: What is your personal stance / battle cry with regard to skin cancer and taking care of one’s skin?

Power: As a pale redhead with lots of freckles, you could say I’ve learned the importance of safe skincare the hard way. I spent every summer at the beach as a kid and never cared about putting on sunscreen, which lead to many sunburns. As I grew older and learned more about how damaging the sun’s rays can be, I started practicing safe skincare and now encourage everyone around me to do the same.

IM: What’s your pre-race ritual? Some sort of specific cuisine the night before? Specific stretching routine? Special socks? You tell us!

Power: I begin to obsessively drink water during the two weeks before the marathon. I do lots of stretching and try to mix in some cryotherapy. I usually go out to dinner with friends the night before and order two meals – chicken and pasta!

To get involved and make a donation:

Visit Caitlin’s runner profile here to help her reach her personal goal:

Visit our Team IMPACT profile page here:

Get social by following along: #TCSNYCMarathon

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