Stage:Stage II

My name is Sandy, I’ve been married since 1979, I have 2 daughters and 3 grandsons. I’m 54 years old and a first grade teacher. I had melanoma on my leg in 1997. That mole followed all the ABCD’s that we’ve always been told about. It was less than 1 mm deep. I had a wide and deep excision and have never had another problem with that melanoma. Then last year I noticed a small “blood blister” looking growth on my forearm. Of course, I start self diagnosing on google and determined I had a blood filled mole, no big deal. Self diagnosing was my first mistake lol. As months passed, this “mole” started changing from red to skin color and got more hard. Well, I had had melanoma and I KNEW this wasn’t that, because it didn’t follow any of those ABCD’s! It was colorless and perfectly round and raised. As it grew, it was just ugly and annoying. As the school year was coming to an end, it started bleeding some when I’d dry off with a towel. So, I FINALLY made a dermatologist appointment. I couldn’t get in until the middle of July. He said he would remove it and it looked to him like a basal cell, no worries. We went on a family vacation and the last day of our trip, I got the call that I had what is known as amelanonic melanoma. It is very rare and considered deep at 2.6 mm. It was also ulcerated. I live in Texas, so they sent me to MD Anderson. I was scared to death! I had 2 baby grandsons, another on the way. This can’t be happening to me! I knew all too well how dangerous this could be. So I met with my surgical oncologist who I loved, and she explained that they would do a sentinel node biopsy along with the excusion. There was a 25% chance it had gone to my lymph nodes. I had my surgery Aug. 10 and it was 2 weeks before I got the news that my lymph nodes (she took 3) were clear. Praise God! I have to go back every 2 months to be checked, but it looks like I’m going to be ok. I’m trying to raise awareness of melanoma. Especially since mine didn’t present at all like people think. It looked nothing like the pictures you see on the Internet. This is a deadly disease, but if caught early, very treatable. If you’re reading this, then more than likely, either you or someone you love is experiencing melanoma. It is so scary. I understand. Every day I pray for anyone waiting on test results of any kind because it’s a terrible feeling. I really hope my story helps to inspire and educate. If it’s new or changes, get it removed! The day after I got the good news about my nodes, my third grandson was born and I plan to dance at his wedding!