Stage:Stage I

So, this has been a rough year and a half. Never thought this would happen to me and never
questioned why me, it’s just life. The hardest part really, has been how my parents and family members have worried about me through the whole experience.
My Story is:
Last March 2015, I had a planter wart on my left foot, for almost 7 years. Prior to that, I saw many, many doctors who had treated it. I had burning of this lesion, many chemical treatments, laser(which came back within 2 weeks while healing), many shots, freezing, for years. Nothing worked. Shots into the foot hurt more than anything, it’s not the needle, but the numbing solution that hurts so bad. I knew in my heart, I would be headed for a difficult road.
On May 22, 2015, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on my left foot. It was my 51st Birthday.
Who gets cancer on their foot? This is very rare. This is a learning experience and out of all this;
I hope people become more educated on the HPV virus of the feet. Yes, a HPV virus, turned into cancer.
So people need to check their body, any type of injury or the slightest open cut, crack or wound can be exposed to the virus. You could get it from a pool, shower, etc., it can linger in your body for years and then exposed itself. If it is not responding to treatment, a biopsy is needed. This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, very destructive. I took pics through out the whole treatment of my foot and they are nasty.
So, I saw the best Plastic Oncology Surgeon in the country at University of Michigan and I was on my way.
I was very fortunate to get the best treatment, this cannot be removed even by a regular Podiatrist.
The first surgery was 09/07/16, wide excision removal of tumor, and placement with integra. Integra is made of a sharks cartilage and cows protein. Amazing. Surgery went well. A week later, found out all margins were clear, a blessing.
This tumor was so destructive and I was left with a hole about the size bigger than a golf ball. The surgeon saved one of my toes. I had to change my bandage 3x’s a day and in the beginning, you could see my tendon and the toe that the integra was made it help heal. Blessed and going well.
Second surgery was 10/14/16, they did a skin graft over the integra. Took skin from my upper thigh and transplanted onto foot. Yikes, the skin graft hurt more than my foot. I was very fortunate not to have
to go through any chemo or radiation. I do not think I would have went that road anyway. I’d been through too much and really think it would have made things worse. That is just my feeling.
With the help of my beautiful husband, parents, aunt and family, I did it. I’m now able to walk on this foot, after being off of it for 5 whole months. In a great place now with physical therapy, 3x’s a week/presently.
I will always remember calling my parents the day I was diagnosed. My head was spinning, trying not to cry. Dad answered. I said “dad please give me a minute,” I cried anyway. Dad said “you are going to beat this and come out well.” My dad is an 8 year cancer bladder survivor.
I was told by my mother, my dad cried every day for me, he never showed it.
Please everyone know, you are not alone and you can do this.
If anyone would like to contact me;
I’m a survivor.