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Round of Applause for Nancy Hoelscher – Our Latest Your Skin Is In Teacher Ambassador Recipient

For over a decade now, we at IMPACT Melanoma have – along with our loyal pool of advocates – exposed over a million students to our award-winning, Your Skin Is In educational program. Middle school, high school and college students are able to apply right here for a scholarship through our ambassador program and teachers who use the eLearning lesson in their classroom can apply for a stipend. It’s very cool, very effective, and yet another way we’re getting our greater community (on a national level) involved with healthy, safe skin practices.

From the teacher’s perspective, in order to be considered for one of the program’s stipends, each educator needs to complete IMPACT Melanoma’s Your Skin Is In eLearning course, present the lesson in their classroom, encourage students and community members to protect the skin they’re in, and submit a written application outlining their experience.

Today we’d like to highlight one such educator, and fellow partner in prevention, Nancy Hoelscher of Eureka Middle School in Eureka Illinois. Nancy has been named our Your Skin Is In Ambassador for 2020! Let’s give her a digital round of applause (louder, so she can hear you)!

Read on to learn how Nancy got involved with IMPACT and what her thoughts are on the benefits of this invaluable program and what it added to her classroom curriculum as it existed in the remote driven education of the Covid-19 pandemic.

IMPACT Melanoma: Tell us about your profession. What does the day-to-day entail? What do you enjoy about your work?

Nancy Hoelscher: I am a 5-8 PE/Health teacher. I enjoy PE classes with 5th and 6th graders during the morning and have Health classes 3 of our 4, 9 week grading periods. I taught 25 years in the LA 5/6th classroom and recently moved to the PE department. I enjoy every day being different with students. The interaction with all of the students in the school, both in the gym and in the health classroom gives me ways to connect with so many students.

IM: How’d you learn about IMPACT Melanoma? What was your initial engagement with the organization?

Hoelscher: I was introduced to the IMPACT information through a parent/nurse in our community. She came into our classes and taught the program before the pandemic occurred. The information she presented was so informative that we had planned on having her back for the next set of health classes. Due to e-learning, I didn’t want the kids to miss out on this great resource so I looked into the program online for teachers.

IM: You’ve recently been named an IMPACT Melanoma Your Skin Is In Ambassador. Congratulations! Why is this type of educational awareness important and why’d you feel it was necessary to add it as a piece of your “curriculum” for your students?

Hoelscher: This type of educational awareness wasn’t something that really even crossed my mind UNTIL the information was presented. What an informative, up to date, and needed curriculum for middle school age students. Giving them the information and then the knowledge of how to protect themselves in the sun allows them to become aware and take safe measures for years to come.

IM: How does it feel to be awarded a YSII Ambassador?

Hoelscher: It was just such an unexpected surprise to be awarded this. I am just so happy that this is available for teachers to dive in and learn right along with the students.

IM: What have you learned from your experience of utilizing YSII eLearning as a resource for your classroom and community? How have your students responded? What has the feedback been like?

Hoelscher: I feel personally I am better informed as a teacher and a coach of 2 outdoor sports. So much to be aware of and so much information out there to make sure we protect ourselves and others correctly. The students responded very positively to the program. They were quick to comment that they learned things they didn’t know (re-apply, darker colored clothing). It was really great feedback to hear their thoughts on how they could remind themselves better to stay safe in the sun.

IM: What is your own personal philosophy in regard to sun safety?

Hoelscher: I know too many people who have not taken care of their skin over the years and as we get older, it begins to show. Never too late to start again though and that is exactly what I plan to do.

IM: What sort of IMPACT do you hope this program leaves on your direct community, and, in turn, your extended network/community?

Hoelscher: I really hope that if just one piece of information is spread from these kids taking this course to others, it will make a difference. Our community is a farming, active sports area and I hope that awareness of sun safety is taken seriously.

IM: Would you recommend the YSII eLearning resource to your peers (and why)?

Hoelscher: Without any hesitation, I would recommend this program for teachers. It has a great blend of question asking, video clips and doctor explanations that keep the kids engaged. It has materials that can be readily used as is and material that can be added, according to the class period, online or in person.

IM: Is there anything you would do to improve the platform?

Hoelscher: The program is very well written and easy to use for teachers and students as it is presented right now. I highly recommend diving right in and checking it out!


Are you a student or teacher interested in earning school scholarship money and/or a stipend award for your classroom? Check out our Your Skin Is In eLearning program to see how you can get involved and earn quick money while becoming an invaluable YSII Advocate. It’s teachers like Nancy that are helping us to collectively make a great IMPACT in classrooms and communities around the United States and beyond. Consider getting involved. We’d love to have you!

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