On a state and federal level, public Parks and Recreation facilities are the ideal location for our fleet of sunscreen dispensers. To date we’ve worked with a number of cities and aided in the installation of dispensers in such areas as Boston, New York City, Gainesville, and Tampa. High traffic areas are ideal for sunscreen dispensers as those utilizing them may have forgotten sunscreen at home, or may need a reminder that sun safety is vitally important.

  • Aquatic Centers
  • Bike Paths
  • Hiking Trails


Wherever The Sun Shines
Wherever The Sun Shines


Sporting complexes and events are endless, yearlong endeavors that host athletes and spectators of all ages for hours on end. Majority of these gatherings happen in areas and complexes that are open to the elements, and thus, exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays is unavoidable. The placement of our sunscreen dispensers at sporting events, and permanent installs in applicable complexes/facilities makes perfect sense for all involved.

  • Soccer Fields
  • Football Fields
  • Baseball Fields
  • Track & Field
  • Golf Courses



IMPACT Melanoma has done a lot of work in terms of educating the masses about the importance of sun safety in spots around the country – from healthcare facilities such as hospitals and doctors offices to slightly more “unconventional” spots from car dealerships to shopping complexes. The point is, there is no bad spot for a sunscreen dispenser. Wherever they exist they demand attention and draw utilization. If you’re a healthcare facility, it makes perfect sense to add a dispenser or dispensers to your grounds. Not only are they utilized by patients, but your employees will take advantage of them as well. Further, if you’re a commercial/corporate decision maker, think about the positive PR you’ll receive in the vein of being a solid humanitarian. That’s a win-win. Sponsoring the installation of sunscreen dispensers throughout your community is a positive impact from multiple vantage points.

  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Cancer Gardens
  • Employee Lounges


Wherever The Sun Shines
Wherever The Sun Shines


From K-12 to colleges and universities around the country – educational facilities are an ideal location for our sunscreen dispenser units. Not only that, but IMPACT also has award-winning supporting educational programming and tools to educate faculty and students on proper skincare tactics and the usages of implemented automatic sunscreen dispensers, which adds great benefit to the health of everyone walking around campus. The idea is to make sun safety practice a daily routine such as brushing one’s teeth. Getting schools and universities involved at a grassroots, educational (“exposure”) level is a great stride in that development.

  • Playground
  • Sports/Recreation Facilities
  • High Traffic Areas on Campus
  • Nurse/Doctor Office



We’ve recently focused a fair amount of attention on fostering the growth of outdoor worker utilization with portable sunscreen dispensers around the worksite. Construction companies of all sizes can greatly benefit from the initiation of our portable automatic dispensers which can be easily moved around on the current worksite, or future locations as well. Outdoor workers from construction to road maintenance are up against the beating sun for hours on end. It’s vital that they protect their skin, and what better way than to have it at the ready, whenever they need it?

  • Construction Sites
  • Police & Fire
  • Crossing Guards
  • Road Maintenance Crews


Wherever The Sun Shines
Wherever The Sun Shines


We love working with our fellow non-profit organizations. From partnerships with fellow cancer fighting agencies to children’s museums and performing arts organizations – the installation of IMPACT’s sunscreen dispensers is not limited to any preconceived geographic locale. It’s a tool designed to grab attention, and, quite frankly, the sun is everywhere, so having vast saturation is key. If you are indeed a fellow non-profit interested in utilizing one or more of these dispensers, let’s have a conversation and see how we can mutually benefit from an acquisition and talk some about how to involve your local community as well.